


PC板翻板機 鐵板鋼板翻板機


  • 品牌:華楠駿業
  • 型號:FBJ
  • 用途:PC板翻板機 鐵板鋼板翻板機















        Dong guan Hua Nan Jun Ye machinery manufacturing co., LTD. Is a private technology enterprises in Dong guan city, has won


national special equipment manufacturing license (manufacturing license number: TS2444086-2013), installation modification maint-


enance license (installation modification maintenance license: TS3444162-2013); For the Beijing aerospace technology bureau in 20


07 successfully developed for Beijing Olympic Games outside the bird's nest project a supernormal pressure machine, aluminum foil


material, ensure the quality of the Olympic bird's nest interior wall decoration materials; In 2011 to participate in the national machin


ery industry standard - shear fork lift operation platform for the new standards, with many universities and institutes have scientific re


search cooperation projects, is one hundred years old, jiaozuo institute of mining (now in henan university of technology) fixed-point

practice base.

    公司主要產品:自主知識產權專利產品——直頂式升降作業平臺(專利號:SL 200720057834.

        Company main products: independent intellectual property rights, patent products - top lifting work platform (patent number: SL 20


07 2 0057834.1); Shear fork lift operation platform; Lifting, telescopic, rotating and multifunctional stage; Wood, steel, stone plate turnover

SL200920059148.7 專利號:ZL200820046895.2);熱壓機;冷壓機;及貼面輸送線等自主研發產品

 (patent no. : 2009 2 SL patent no. : 0059148.7 ZL 2008 2 0046895.2); Hot press; Cold pressing machine; And stick a face conveyors and


 other independent research and development products. Service in all walks of life, and exported to South Africa, Malaysia, Cambodia, Si-

ngapore, Russia, Hong Kong and other countries and regions.


       Company since its inception, has nine achievements have won the national patent. For shenzhen foxconn, cigarette factories in guang


zhou, zhuhai gree group, midea group, European group, TCL, lenovo group, maersk container industry co., LTD., guangdong drinks food

知名企業輸送了高品質的液壓升降作業平臺。為恒大地產、廣州白云國 際會展中心、廣東現代國際

co., LTD. Add much treasure, well-known enterprises such as transportation of high quality hydraulic elevating work platform. For Evergra


nde property, guangzhou baiyun international convention and exhibition center, guangdong modern international exhibition center and other


large-scale exhibition hall, recreation, jiangmen Jin Kaiyue hotel design made a large multi-functional telescopic lift stage, rotating lifting 


stage, stair lift stage, lifting stage separation combination compound dislocation. Township in dongguan source wood industry and many othercompanies sent automatically in and out of the frame, hot press, cold press machine, turning machine and other advanced modern  e quipment.

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